Content Management Systems is now the buzzword in website design and WordPress and Joomla are 2 of the leaders in this game. These 2 systems that websites can be built upon, allow you as a client to be able to manage your pages remotely. Gone are the days when a website designer will write a website and you have to pay exhoborant amounts of money to get them to update it (at their earliest convenience). A Content Management System will allow you to have a logo and allow you to be able to make changes to your website, in real time. The beauty of these 2 systems also allows you to give access to your staff and clients/customers to areas of your site that you want to remain secure.
Plugins or extra functionality can be easily added to your site – eg calendars, booking systems, forms and rating options, to make your client experience more engaging and to keep them on your site longer. There is whole worlds of designers out there building these tools right now and able to be purchased or downloaded for free to add to your site.
Both WordPress and Joomla are terrific systems – talk to a website designer today to begin building your website.
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